Friday, March 12, 2010

Neige disparue, déchets apparus / Rubbish-filled snow


In our first month here, I thought Montrealers the most litter-conscious citizens in the world. The streets were immaculate with not a can, newspaper or stray fag end in sight. But, recently, the snow has started to melt. And it turns out there's several months' worth of crap buried in there. With each sunny day, the city’s pavements, lawns and parks are piling ever higher with rubbish of every kind, as these photos show.

Apparently, once the council is sure that the snow is really gone for the winter, they’ll operate a mass clear-up. Until then, we’re having a competition to find the most unusual item of trash buried in the snow...


Pendant un mois, je croyais que les Montréalais ne jetaient jamais de déchets dans la rue. Mais, récemment, la neige a commencé à fondre. Et il s’avère qu’elle héberge plusieurs mois de cannettes, journaux et mégots abandonnés. Plus il y a du soleil, plus le sol apparaît couvert d'ordures, comme le témoignent ces photos.

Il semble que, lors que la mairie est sûre qu'il ne neigera plus, elle met en route un grand nettoyage. Mais, en attendant, on a décidé de faire un concours pour trouver l’objet le plus bizarre à se faire apparaître sous la neige…


  1. True. But perhaps less scary than poutine!

  2. Hello Canada!

    Quick question...I've started a blog, using Blogger as well. How do you get more than 1 photo on per post? Having difficulties with it, so all help appreciated.


